rjtools 1.0.18 (2025-01-23)
Fix issues #116, 129, 132, 133, 134. Warnings instead of errors reported when potential problems with section headings and title given.
rjtools 1.0.17
- Added technical editors to issue template.
- Fixed missing resources for building table of contents for issues.
- Improved identification and handling of legacy pdf articles
- Use natbib for pdf articles (fixes issues with citation rendering)
- Fixed article buttons (pdf, supplementary files, citation) not showing when abstract is missing.
rjtools 1.0.16
- Update template article to deal better with the pandoc problem
- All CRAN lookups now use This resolves problems with some CRAN-like repos (e.g. RSPM) not containing CRAN Views data.
rjtools 1.0.15
rjtools 1.0.14
- additional issues with checks fixed to completely address issue #119
rjtools 1.0.13 (2024-04-15)
- fix error reported by CRAN, occurring on linux, related to test code
- Fixes in response to issues #119 and #120
- web site documentation and vignettes updated
rjtools 1.0.12 (2023-10-07)
- Updates for accessibility based on updates in distill package.
- File structure for template article is now cleaner, with data, figures, scripts, motivation-letter, folders.
- Added
as a preferred alias to rjournal_web_article()
since this output format generally produces both HTML and PDF outputs.
- This is reflected in the change in the YAML header to be
. This generates both html and pdf. rjtools::rjournal_web_article
, which will now only generate the html. rjtools::rjournal_pdf_article
now only generates the pdf.
- Check functions updated, including DOIs in references, title case in bib file, existence of csl file
- Reference to new web site in the documentation.
- New function to assist authors prepare for a release.
- Style to better adhere to accessibility standards.
- Remove link to twitter/x.
- Handling of longtable.
- Utilise system sty file, not author supplied.
rjtools 1.0.11
- removed return value, and set create_article to write a message
- set a default name for the paper
rjtools 1.0.10 (2023-03-06)
- available_packages() is used in check_packages_available() instead of cranlogs::cran_downloads()
- Information about referencing in figure captions, and conditional figure inclusions depending on output.
- Import BioCManager
- Import artifacts
- Update authors
- Update tests
- Bad example added
rjtools 1.0.9 (2022-11-14)
- Errant dontrun removed by CRAN request
rjtools 1.0.8
- Remove the rendering Rmd from the test-create because plotly does not exist on the CRAN test computer and it fails the automated test.
rjtools 1.0.7
- Added a number of tests, as requested by CRAN tester.
rjtools 1.0.6
- Removed writing to default directories, as requested by CRAN tester.
rjtools 1.0.5
- More tests
- Changes to checks
- Fixes to web issue articles to not have page numbers
- create_article now uses rmarkdown::draft()
- Section title "References" automatically added in pdf file
- Added section numbering to HTML output to match PDF style
rjtools 1.0.4
rjtools 1.0.3
- Changes requested by CRAN
- DESCRIPTION and some function arguments modified
rjtools 1.0.2
- Fixes for CRAN
- Additions to build a full issue
rjtools 1.0.1
- Self-contained html is default
- remove check on RJwrapper.pdf (#46)
rjtools 1.0.0
- Depends on distill instead of rjdistill
and sty
files built into system files
- Successfully tested article creation in different three modes, through RStudio dropdown, from RStudio console and terminal R using
- Merge rjdistill with rjtools
- Use
instead of glue to construct file path in create_article
- Generate the template with customised bib file name (#21)
- Add Rjournal csl file in the template
- Add details on files created in the
suggests correct title format for article title (#22)
- Designated csl file for journal articles
- Add RStudio project template: R Journal Article (#19)
- Add github links (#18)
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.